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Lost Classics: Critical Selections from John Hollander

Tue October 28th 2014, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Humanities Center Boardroom

Please join us on Tuesday, October 28th, at 6-8pm in the Humanities Center boardroom for our annual Lost Classics event, in which we revisit a neglected but important contribution to poetry criticism.

This year's event is on John Hollander, the influential twentieth-century American poet, anthologist, and critic. The formalist critic and long-time Yale professor was known for his precise attention to the intricacies of poetic form and rhythm (epitomized by the classic work _Rhyme’s Reason_ (1981)). For this session in the Workshop in Poetics, we will read three excerpts from _Vision and Resonance: Two Senses of Poetic Form_ (1975): “The Poem in the Ear,” “The Metrical Frame,” and “The Poem in the Eye.” The readings are attached.