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Sobreviviendo la desaparición forzada de personas en Argentina y Uruguay

Sobreviviendo la desaparición forzada de personas en Argentina y Uruguay
Mon November 17th 2014, 12:00pm
Bldg. 260, Room 252

Speaker(s): Gabriel Gatti

Una charla de Gabriel Gatti, Profesor de Sociología por la Universidad del País Vasco

Autor de Surviving Forced Dissappearance in Argentina and Uruguay (2014)

Due in large part to humanitarian law and transitional justice, the categories of detaineddisappeared and forced disappearance are today well established - so much so that in some places like Argentina and Uruguay an intense social life has taken shape and become crystallized around them and in their wake. In the complex and dense social worlds that result, victims mix with institutions, laws, and professionals (forensic anthropologists, social scientists, jurists, psychologists, artists, archivists, writers, and so on), occupying intersecting positions and doing so with varied narratives, from the heroic to the tragic, the epic to the paradoxical.