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Undergraduate Peer Advisor Office Hours - French, German Studies, and ILAC (Week 3)

Thu October 1st 2020, 1:00 - 2:00pm


Come and talk with peer advisors from the French, German Studies, and ILAC departments! They are open to discuss course recommendations, funding opportunities, and any DLCL-related questions you may have.

Week 3: Thursday, October 1 at 1:00pm |



Max Smith

Max Smith

Pronouns: He/Him
Major: French & International Relations
Interests: Game design, French Romanticism, cooking, corgis, plays, linguistics, and climate justice.
Previous/ Current ý Extracurricular Activities: ý Mock Trial, Residential Education, ý in Government (SIG) 
What I can talk hours about: The strong influences that “the arts” have on political and justice-oriented social movements!
A transformative course: FRENCH 252: Art and Power: from Royal Spectacle to Revolutionary Ritual
Fun Fact: 
1. I can say the alphabet backwards really quickly
2. The words “male” and “female” don’t have the same etymological origin— we just changed “female” from the French version when we took it into our language. 


German Studies:

Sofia Patino-Duque

Sofia Patino-Duque

Pronouns: She/Her
Major: German Studies & History 
Interests: Global citizenship, Switzerland, travel, comparative law, modern German politics
Previous/ Current ý Extracurricular Activities: ý Equestrian Team, ý in Government, Ravenwood Reads, Peer Advisor for German Studies & History, BOSP Berlin Ambassador 
What I can talk hours about: Study abroad (especially Berlin and Oxford), working abroad at a political think tank, language study, German history & literature, how amazing the DLCL department is, how to apply for a coterm, international grants—especially the UAR Grants (I got to go to Switzerland because of one!), double-majoring
A transformative course: German 343: World War Two: Place, Loss, History co-taught by Prof. Amir Eshel (German Studies) and Prof. Alexander Nemerov (Art History)—my thesis was because I took this class
Fun Fact: The Japanese legal system was inspired by the German civil law legal system


Iberian and Latin American Cultures (ILAC):

Marcello "Marco" Merola 

Marcello "Marco" Merola

Pronouns: He/Him
Major: ILAC and Philosophy
Interests: Music, Sports, Doing Crosswords, Playing Jeopardy and Going to the Beach
Previous/ Current ý Extracurricular Activities: KZSU Sports Radio, ý 6th Man, Freelance Sports Journalism on TheBootleg
What I can talk hours about: Modern Spanish Politics
A transformative course: ILAC 193- The Cinema of Pedro Almodóvar 
Fun Fact: I am colorblind