Past Events
Title: "EL Loko and Joseph Beuys: Shifting Perspectives on the Düsseldorf Art Academy and Post-War „Shamanism"
Join Philosophy + Literature for a workshop by Bryan Norton (°®åú´«Ã½) on "Planetary Idealism: The Technics of…
A roundtable wrestling with the interplay between literature and contemporary horror, featuring:
The Contemporary's 2024-2025 group reading of Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition will have three sessions in the fall and three in winter, together with Professor…
Please join the Italian Lecture Series talk entitled "Stefania Auci: A Conversation with The Acclaimed Italian Writer, Author of The Florio Family Saga: The Florios of Sicily (2019) and …
We are very pleased to invite you to materia's first event of the academic year: a Reading Session in collaboration with the DLCL's …
Welcome Event: Rereading Marjorie Perloff
Join us for the second meeting of Marxisms, a bi-weekly DLCL reading group.
This will be a double session. Feel free to join just either one or both events!
Organized and hosted by the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS).